I feel like I’ve been so preoccupied with the LOST blog that I have neglected this one and promise to get back on track.
I have two new articles in print right now … Your Fall Style: Wardrobe Essentials for the Season (in Triangle Style) and Going Green: Organic Community Gardening is Good for the Soul, the Environment, & You! (in Pinehurst Magazine). Check them out. Can’t believe I missed the Good Housekeeping contest … did any of you enter? I have two other irons in the fire and am querying new work all the time. If you are a writer, how often do you query vs. accept assigned work?
Speaking of writing, the Triangle Area Freelancers have already announced their 2010 Conference. Author Amanda Lamb (Smotherhood, Deadly Dose, and the forthcoming Evil Next Door) will be the keynote speaker. Yes, this is the same Amanda Lamb from WRAL-TV 5. Visit her website or this Event link on Facebook for more: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=161446446958&ref=mf.
Our family has settled into the “back to school” routine and D is really enjoying being a middle-schooler. C is potty training (ugh) and getting ready to go back to playgroup. We were excited about the possibility of a half-day preschool – but, alas, need to master the potty first. More fodder for articles, right? (lol)
I have been expanding my photography portfolio and will share a brand new link soon! This is very exciting for me and I hope it is well received. As always, comments are welcome.